Decision-Making in the News

March 15, 2018

Evaluation Framework Informs Decision-Making for Mental Health Apps

The American Psychiatric Association developed an evaluation framework that uses a four-stage hierarchical process model to help clinicians evaluate and make informed decisions regarding mental health smartphone apps, according to a column published in Psychiatric Service.
March 13, 2018

Water Use, Delivery and the River

“A multi-criteria decision analysis model was developed based on six factors: water table, groundwater use, surface water use, hot spots of water use area, distance to river and soil permeability,” she said. “Fuzzy logic techniques were used to compute the probability of over-extraction in the study area.”
March 8, 2018

Can AI Be Trusted With Life-And-Death Decisions?

As we enter 2018, the opportunities to utilize AI to augment human capabilities have never been greater. But while dominating a game of chess is one thing, the bigger question remains: Has AI come far enough to be entrusted with far more important, life-and-death decisions?
March 1, 2018

‘Nowconomics’ And The Change Pandemic: Why You Need A Better Framework For Decision Making

The speed at which change is now manifesting itself is a real problem for boardrooms across the globe. As organizations struggle to keep up, they often fail to put a structure in place that allows for quick responses to market shifts in an effective and profitable way. Reluctance to change is threatening to become a pandemic that kills off a significant proportion of businesses that are thriving today.
February 28, 2018

Why Brainstorming Groups Kill Breakthrough Ideas

When managers want employees to come up with breakthroughs, they need to give people some time alone to ponder their craziest of ideas and follow their paths of association into unknown terrain. They should be urged to come up with ideas freely, without fear of judgment.
February 27, 2018

Evidence Should Inform But Not Drive Decision Making

Although evidence clearly contributes to thoughtful policy-making, evidence cannot and should not drive policy decisions. When we make decisions, or policies, we are driven by a desire to achieve a set of goals.
February 22, 2018

Mapping the Risk of Wolf Attacks on Livestock in Central Italy

An increasing wolf population has caused worries and protests from local communities, alarmed at possible predation against domestic livestock and the economic impact on their livelihoods. A new multi-criteria sorting method for organizing and analyzing complex decisions, based on the analytic hierarchy process (AHP) was used to solve the wolf attacks on livestock farms.
February 20, 2018

8 Essential Qualities That Define Great Leadership

It’s clear that many leaders are failing to foster a sense of trust and loyalty in their employees. Fortunately, that doesn’t have to be the case. Managers who show great leadership qualities can inspire their teams to accomplish amazing things.
February 15, 2018

The Most Overlooked Execution Blind Spot

Cross-functional collaboration is essential to success: “Everyone gets so busy in their own silo that they forget the inter-related and inter-dependent nature of divisional goals."